Our Elders

Keith Mowat

I am married to Lucy and we have 3 children. I have worked in the Water Industry as a Process Engineer for the last 13 years with most of my projects being in the North East. At church, I am one of the leaders of Friday Frenzy and in my spare time enjoy just about all sports and hill walking

Andy gibson (full-time elder)

I am married to Claire, and we have two children. I worked as a Customs Officer for ten years, have been in Christian ministry since 1999, and at Regent since 2007 - where I work full time for the church. In my spare time I love to watch the Newcastle Falcons rugby team.

paul mullis

I have been a member of Regent for over 30 years & have been privileged to see the Lord work here in great & unexpected ways! I am married with 3 children and I am the CEO of a housing charity.

The elders are a team of equals, who oversee the running of Regent. They seek to provide pastoral care, Bible teaching, prayer, spiritual protection, and direction for the church.

Pastoral Support Worker


Claire Gibson

I’m married to Andy and we have two children. I worked as nursery nurse for 3 years before going into christian ministry in 1999 with Andy. My main role at Regent is to provide pastoral support for ladies and to work alongside Andy. In my spare time I like drinking tea and shopping for shoes.

Our Deacons

Matt & Jo

Jo and Matt moved to Newcastle for Jo to complete a 2 year Masters degree at the University. 12 years and 3 kids later we probably need to concede this isn't the temporary stay we had planned. Jo works in the local community as a speech Therapist and Matt works away as a seafarer. You'll be able to spot our three boys in the service instantly- they're the noisy ones with the scruffy hair and biscuit crumbs decorating their faces. Come over and say Hi!

The role of the deacons is to co-ordinate the practical care and welfare for those in our church and in contact with our church, who are in need.

Examples of the kind of practical care provided:

  • The provision of meals for a period of time during illness or after the birth of a baby.

  • The provision of lifts - to church or necessary appointments

  • Visiting those who find it hard to get out or who are in hospital

  • Help with DIY tasks and gardening

  • Practical help after redundancy or during financial difficulty

Our Youth Worker


I have lived in the North East since 2018. I'm married to Emily and we have one child. We moved here after studying at Tilsley College in Motherwell. Before working at Regent Chapel, I worked as a security officer at Newcastle International Airport. After working for the church part-time as the youth worker whilst completing my postgraduate studies, I began working for Regent full-time in September 2022, as a church and youth worker. My role involves running our youth activities and events as well as organising and leading 1 to 1 discipleship programmes, occasional Bible teaching on a Sunday morning, coordinating men’s activities and serving in a variety of other ministries. In my spare time I enjoy watching and playing most sports, spending time with my family exploring beautiful Northumberland, and trying to read through the mountain of books I’ve bought over many years but not actually read (often with a coffee and cake nearby!).