Our Beliefs

At Regent, we believe that Christianity is much more than a religion - it’s an incredible true story and the opportunity to encounter God in a life-changing way.

The Christian faith is an ancient-future faith, because our beliefs are rooted in years of Biblical history but are still totally relevant to contemporary life and have clear implications for the future of each individual life and the world as a whole. We would love to help you discover the Christian faith and explore it’s impact on your own life.

Below is a summary of the basic beliefs that Christians hold but if you would like to explore Christianity more fully and consider how it applies to your life, please contact us at Regent Chapel.

We believe and teach that…


  • Made the world and loves its peoples.

  • Demonstrated that love by sending His Son, our LORD JESUS CHRIST.

Jesus Christ

  • Was born a man and lived among us.

  • Died for our sins at Calvary.

  • Conquered death by rising again.

  • Is alive today at GOD’s right hand.

  • Will come again to receive His church and reign in glory.

All people

  • Have sinned and deserve God’s judgement.

  • Can be saved only by faith in God and acceptance of the sacrifice of Christ at Calvary.


  • Are those who have trusted God and acknowledged Christ as their Saviour and Lord.

  • Have become the home of God’s Holy Spirit whose presence is displayed in holiness and good works.

  • Are secure in their salvation through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

We Practice..

The Fellowship of Christians

  • We welcome all who share our faith in, and devotion to, our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Lord’s Supper

  • We meet regularly every Sunday to remember Him, until He comes again.

Believers’ Baptism

  • We baptise, by total immersion, in the name of the FATHER, SON and HOLY SPIRIT, those who declare their Christian faith.

The Preaching of the Gospel

  • We seek to tell others the Good News of GOD’s salvation.


If you would like to see our Statement of Beliefs then please see below.